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The Practical Benefits of Taking the EUSR Categories 1 & 2 Combined Course

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What You Can Expect

The EUSR Cat 1 & 2 Combined Course is really popular, and taking this course offers several practical advantages. So, let’s take a look at what you can expect if you take both courses together, along with the importance of a great training provider throughout the process.

Save Time

One of the most obvious advantages of taking the combined course is the big savings. Instead of attending two separate courses, you complete both in a single training block – usually 1½ days. You won’t have to take as much time away from work, leading to less disruption back on site. Plus, by getting to grips with both categories at the same time, you can clearly see how all the concepts link up and can be applied on site.

Reduced Costs

Completing Cat 1 & 2 as a combined course is generally cheaper than booking them separately. Many training providers offer the combined course at a lower rate than the two categories separately. Plus, outside of the price you pay for the training, you will have less travel expenses as you won’t have to attend multiple training sessions.

Immediate Application of Your New Skills

Remember how we said that by taking the combined course you can get a clearer picture of how many key things relate to each other? This allows you to apply what you’ve learned much more effectively, as you will be able to hit the ground running with all of that knowledge fresh in your mind. If you have to wait between courses, it can be harder to bring all of your new skills together.

Improved Efficiency and Productivity

The combined course helps workers become much more efficient in their roles. This is because they don’t have to sit around wasting time waiting for a second course before they can begin practical work. This will not only lead to fewer delays in projects due to workers lacking key skills but will also help your team members make decisions faster. This is because they already understand both detection and excavation procedures.

Improved Career Progression

Many employers are keen on hiring workers who have completed Cat 1 & 2 together, as it ensures they are ready to work immediately. If someone has only completed Category 1, for example, they will need extra training and time off to do so. So, with the combined qualification to your name, you will become much more employable, and you will be eligible for higher-paying roles that require a broad scope of knowledge.

The Importance of Choosing a Great Training Provider

To fully benefit from the EUSR Categories 1 & 2 Combined Course, selecting a high-quality training provider is essential. A great provider ensures you receive the best training experience, and you will be able to look forward to the following:

What Next?

The EUSR Categories 1 & 2 Combined Course offers so many benefits, so why not book your place today?

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