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Common Mistakes to Avoid During Your Driving Test

Avoid During Your Driving Test

Setting Yourself Up for Success

If you want to pass your driving test, it’s vital to be aware of common mistakes and understand how to avoid them. That’s where the providers of driving lessons Colchester learner drivers trust come in! Here’s how your instructor can point out these common pitfalls and ensure that you don’t do any of them during your test.

Poor Observation

Failing to check your mirrors adequately is a big no-no during your test, whether it’s when you change lanes or in the middle of trying to parallel park. It shows the examiner that you aren’t paying attention to what’s going on around you, potentially putting you and others in danger. Your driving instructor will help you to develop a habit of regularly checking your mirrors before any manoeuvre – whether that’s changing lanes, turning, or pulling over.

Incorrect Speed

Driving too fast or too slowly are both red flags for a driving test examiner. They are looking for drivers who can adapt their speed to the conditions of the road. Speeding is dangerous, but driving too slowly can also cause problems for you and other motorists. Your instructor will have you practice driving at various speeds and get comfortable with the limits of different roads, and get into the habit of frequently checking your speedometer.

Not Signalling Properly

Failing to signal, signalling too late, or using signals incorrectly can confuse other road users and is a common reason for being marked down or even failed. After all, proper signalling is crucial for safe driving. You should always signal well in advance of your actions. Practice signalling at the right times during your lessons and get feedback from your instructor. Clear, timely signals help communicate your intentions to other road users, giving them no need to try and guess what you’ll do next.

Not Paying Attention to Road Signs

Missing or misinterpreting road signs is another rookie driving test error. So how do you avoid this? Take the time to familiarise yourself with the Highway Code and practice recognising and responding to road signs. During lessons, your instructor will quiz you on road signs and create scenarios that require you to follow them correctly, helping you to develop solid knowledge and awareness that is second nature.

Poor Control During Manoeuvres

Nervousness can lead to poor control during manoeuvres. These are a huge source of anxiety for many learners, and that comes from knowing that they require a good amount of precision and confidence to perform correctly. That’s why it’s a good idea to practice these manoeuvres repeatedly until you feel comfortable and confident. Your driving instructor will guide you through each step, offering tips and corrections to improve your technique. Building muscle memory is key!

Your Next Steps

Working with a trusted driving instructor is essential for learning and avoiding these common mistakes. Whether you’re looking to do better on your next test or you’re hoping to pass the first time, your driving instructor is an invaluable source of knoledge – so take advantage of them!

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